Sunday, August 14, 2011

Failed Attempt

So, today I began construction on my Nuka Cola Quantum lamp. I finally had my blue led, a switch, and resistors. I began trying to assemble  my project and i broke my switch :(. Then I got upset and broke my bottle. It was not a good day for me. So, I think I am going to retire this project for now until I can get another coke bottle and some more switches( next time I order a bunch of parts). I also had a problem with how to hold the coin cell battery. This project will be on the list of things to complete later :( as much as I hate not completing a project class will be starting soon and I do not want to deal with this frustration of the stupid set up. I will eventually get back to this but not any time soon. If you want an easy way to build this go buy a slyvania dot it led, and use a hot clue gun to glue the bottle to the plastic part. Then fill the bottle up with colored fluid and you have an led lamp. Just push down on the top.

On another note, I am trying to start an indoor garden. I would like to grow herbs inside to save money at the store. I have done some research on growing plants inside and have stumbled across information about growing plants under led light. This information states that plants produce leaves under blue light and flower under red light. It also went on to say that most white led lights have a blue tinge which means it gives off most of the blue spectrum. So my current project is going to be to design and build (assuming I don't break something) an led green house to grow basil, mint, chives, and other herbs in my bedroom. I will probably conduct this as an experiment to see whether my bedroom window (west facing) or my led lights produce better plants from seeds. More information on this in my next post


  1. Don't give up on the lamp!!

  2. An indoor greenhouse would be pretty epic. Good luck with that one :)

  3. So, on your patence evermore attending, Following!

  4. Ack, good luck on the next project.

  5. Aw. I was looking forward to this.

  6. lol. I've used LED's for hydro production before and wasnt happy with the results. They just dont have enough lumen value no matter how many you use. The only good thing about them is that they dont get as hot and dont take as much wattage. Other than that I always use HPS bulbs. There the best for the money.

  7. Aw that sucks, I wanted to see it.
