Monday, August 8, 2011

UPDATE number 1

There is no update. I have been packing so I have not spent much time working on my lamp. However, I have had one thought in my head, which is, what am I going to put into the bottle? I have been contemplating this all day should i go out and buy some blue soda, like mountain dew voltage, or should I make a water dye mix, or even concoct up my own soda for this? I am going to put up a poll to get some input in the mean time check out This site has some of the best hacks out there.


  1. I love instructables! I used to live on that place. haha

  2. I would make something using food dyes and carbonated water. You could even go the extra mile and add some fluid from some glow-sticks for the cool glow!

  3. i voted nuka cola for the lulz but a water dye mix would work too :P

  4. That have inflamed desire in my breast. Following!

  5. Water with dye and a little bleach so nothing will grow inside and make it gross.

  6. I'd listen to Mike, don't want any gross stuff :)

  7. make your own, its personal ^^

  8. Great post, Nuka Cola Quatum sounds ideal. DUH! lol.. followed your blog, loving it.
