Monday, August 15, 2011


So I love electronics and hardware, today was my first day of classes this semester and I am looking forward to my classes for once. I am getting into major related courses. This semester I get to take drum roll please... sensors and transducers, digital design, golf, and linear systems (along with two classes I am not looking forward to). So what are my readers taking this semester if y'all are even in college anymore or not yet. Any advice on these classes if you know what they are? Leave me some feedback. (because thats what im going to be reading all semester "smirks and giggles")


  1. In reverend Cerimon there well appears Following!

  2. Taking language classes that are too advanced for me XD.

  3. I've never heard of those classes lol. Also, about your lava lamp, u should use a glow in the dark lquid http://www.ehowDOTcom/how_4859147_make-glowinthedark-liquid.html
    OR you could get water with blue dye, and have an LED shine, or just plane water with blue LED shining on it. Also, look at liquid cooled pc's, that might give u some clues to what to do :)

  4. I used to enjoy wiring capacitors the wrong way round and blowin' 'em up haha!

  5. geez, I was a history major... so I have no comment.

  6. I have 6 incompleted degrees. Lol. Culinary, massage therapy, quantum physics, partial physics, heating and air conditioning, and finally art. I recommend none of these. They all proved useless. It was fun wasting all the money from those grants though. good times... good times....

  7. Whoa! Those seem like hard classes.

  8. I always love when I have classes I actually WANT to take and learn from

  9. You're gonna go far kid. Passion = Success

  10. Good to see that you're enjoying and interested in what you're taking. You're much more likely to do better.

  11. Good luck! I have been thinking about taking classes as well.
